TML Success Stories & Raving Fans

Lynn Harrison, certified teacher

Asia will take care of you every step of the way. Having everything recorded means you can relax if you miss a day/weekend or aren’t a great note-taker. Being able to do some/all of it online allows real life to happen without having to fall behind or not certify.

This isn’t like any other training; it’s so much better.

Lisa Moore, certified teacher

I'm so in awe of how much you care about your grads and genuinely want us to succeed. I know teachers who took other trainings who weren't offered anywhere close to the support by their instructors that you've given us.

I can't thank you enough for all your guidance, and how much you encouraged our growth. This year was the start of big changes for me, and I owe most of that to you, Asia. You're super motivating, caring, inspiring, and one of the most intellectual people I have ever met.

Jennifer Gough, certified teacher & owner of The Gallery Yoga & Art Studio

You'll learn all you need (and a great deal more) to become a kick-ass, confident teacher. But the full value of this training is in your transformation.

Katelyn Flood, TML certified teacher

You gave me my body back, stronger and safer. It feels like a miracle. You’re basically the Jesus of movement.


Jen Gingrich, TML certified teacher

I finished last year as a person I barely recognized. I was living in a body I hated and due to limited mobility I couldn’t do much to improve it. But more than that, I couldn’t see peace, fulfillment or a way to feel positive about life.

You and your training and the space you provided got me through and brought me to the other side.

You are so much more than an instructor. You hold a safe space for people to breathe, listen, feel and connect with themselves. You care, you actually give a shit about people.

I feel alive, and it’s because you gave me the permission and showed me that I had value, that I mattered, and that I had gifts to share too.

I felt stuck in a cage then. I’ve been freed.

Thank you Asia. From the bottom of my heart I will be forever grateful.

Tat Benning, TML certified teacher

I came home after today’s training and taught the movements we learned to my boyfriend — and he just melted. I felt so confident in what I was doing after all the practice we did.

I’m truly so grateful for how much I’ve learned from you!! Thank you, one million times over. 

Really, this is just a huge THANK YOU! 

Thank you for inspiring me to find me.

Thank you for teaching us all to think, and be able to design classes that meet the needs of our participants.
Thank you for giving us the tools to create experiences that are unique and add play, fun movement, strength, resiliency, and balance.
Thank you for being the catalyst and force moving us in a direction that values our clients’ minds as well as their knees, hips and backs.

I’m loving how I grow with each class I lead, and the elation I feel after each class. I’m excited that much of the discussion on social media revolves around the coming evolution of yoga and that because of you, we, the Army, are at the forefront of that revolution.

Joanne Anger, TML certified teacher


Reba Campbell aka Reva Wild, certified teacher

Still one of the most profitable and personally fruitful investments of my life.

Asia is a leader on the cutting edge of infusing yoga with truly healthy movement so that our emotional, mindful and spiritual practice of yoga can be sustainable into our 60s, 70s and 80s. She’s basically a genius.

Robin Russell-Palermo, certified teacher

This is the Harvard of teacher trainings.

Lindsay Egan, TML certified teacher

Working full-time, raising my boys and taking care of myself was overwhelming. I felt mediocre in all aspects of my life.

Asia, you gave me permission, the space and time, and a path to move into my freedom. This was something I needed more than I’d realized.

I became present instead of worrying about what was next on my list. I stopped comparing what I do with what I could do in the past, or what the person on the mat beside me or in my Instagram feeds could do. This came off my mat tenfold.

I’m now a better parent, wife, friend, and a much stronger teacher.

Tatianna Benning, TML certified teacher

I'm so thankful I took your training and not something different, because I don’t feel scared or confused being out on my own.

You inspire me every single day. The Movement Life is truly next level. You’re the most wonderful mentor and I feel blessed to be one of your graduates. My soul is full.

Alison Moore, certified teacher

Training with Asia has made me unwilling to train with anyone else.

Asia’s teaching is full of compassion and brilliance. She’s given me back my ability to trust my body — and myself.

Sarah Tomkins, certified teacher

This is beyond a community; you've created a benevolent army. You’ve stoked a fire in all of us.

Erin Ivans, TML certified teacher

Before I started the YTT program, I’d been small – not in the physical sense (I’m almost 6 feet) but in the social and emotional sense. I hate being the focus of attention. At work (and in life if I think about it) I avoid asking questions because I feel like I look stupid.

Today and every day since I first met Asia, this has been changing. I’ve embraced Asia’s mantra of, “You are BIG”.

Recently, I had a breakthrough moment: I was asked to attend an important meeting. I contributed, followed up with people who owed me work, and felt confident and intelligent. Junior to the room by at least 25 years and definitely the only female, I kicked ass.

Thank you Asia for helping me transform into my best self. If this kind of magic happens after only three weekends together, I am ecstatic to see where the next few months will go.

TML certified teachers during a group interview

It’s HUGE getting the chance to practice teaching with feedback. We had so much hands-on learning.

That’s how I discovered I couldn’t live without this. It helped me feel qualified to teach.

When you’ve forgotten why you love to move, Asia reminds you.

In a sea of generic teachers, Asia is authentic and inspiring, the kind of sweet leader that reminds you why you come to your mat in the mornings.

Angelina Marra, certified yoga instructor

Rolf Gates, master yogi and author

Asia is one of the wisest, most capable teachers I’ve ever met.

Su Pete Heise, certified teacher

I truly feel more comfortable teaching than I ever could have imagined. I'm in awe! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This training is an experience I will always remember!!


Golda Vallester, certified teacher

Asia provided a safe, wisdom-filled, non-judgemental teaching environment. We listened to each other's stories, and grew together towards our vision. I played, became fearless, and embraced it.

Julie Fasan, certified teacher

Starting something new can be scary. You second-guess if you’re making the right decision. But I’ve never looked back since day one of this training.

I know I’m where I should be and I chose the right person to lead me on a fantastic new path.

Kristy Goss, certified teacher

I still use your wisdom every day. I wouldn't have the strength and confidence to do most things I do if I didn't get that foundation from you. Forever grateful.

Jennifer Clarke, certified teacher

There was life before this training, and now there's life after, and the life after feels like thriving compared to life before, which was really just surviving.

Shareefa Sayani, certified teacher

You've made my dream life tangible, and given me permission to BE and DO this. 

Your training empowered me to express myself without fear. It put me in charge of my future. I've never felt more prepared for something this big. I'm happier, braver, and completely supported by this community.

Cathy Benjamin, certified teacher

You've created gold with this training, and anyone who has the opportunity to be in your course is truly lucky.

It was incredible to grow alongside some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. And YOU, Asia: To have been in the presence of such a wonderful teacher, friend and woman. You are my inspiration. Thank you for just being so damn awesome!

I feel confident and ready to take the tools I’ve gained and excel as a teacher.

Dana Mayhew, certified teacher

Thank you for giving me the strength to be present, committed, and now able to give back.

Erin Jewson, certified teacher

I really didn’t expect this community to be so amazing! How do you get so many smart, funny, caring, creative people? It blew my mind.


Chelsea Winn, certified teacher

Within a few months of graduating I’m on track to break even on my investment.

With other trainings it’s such a commitment for not a lot of reward.

Dr. Natasha Zajc-Dalcourt, certified teacher

My gut was right, and I have no regrets.

I’d checked out several different programs, and Asia’s training just felt right. At first I worried I might have ‘bitten off more than I can chew’ but every weekend in class reignited my love of moving and my passion to learn.

Jessi del Rosso, certified teacher

This training was so powerful and important to me, I didn’t miss it even when it landed a day after my wedding!

Cathy Benjamin, certified teacher

I wish I could stand on the rooftops and scream, “Take THIS training!” It truly changed my life.

Jacqui Terry-Carroll, certified teacher

This isn’t just a movement training; it’s a journey of re-making myself into the person I want to be.

Selam Debs, certified teacher, former Juici Yoga studio owner & Founder of The Antiracism Course

This training is worth ten times what we pay for it. It’s truly next-level.

Jessi del Rosso, certified teacher, creator of Enhanced Yoga & Alongside Trauma

I’m always ahead of the yoga and movement curve because Asia’s training always is. She wants us to be the best teachers possible: the proof is how good this course is.

Christine Jensen, certified teacher

I don’t have a traditional yoga body, and I always felt like I didn’t have a voice when taking classes. That changed when I met Asia. I’ve been training with Asia for 10 years and she’s helped me feel confident stepping into any movement space, whether it be the gym, a yoga studio, or working with my physiotherapist.

Asia doesn’t just teach you how to teach movement, but she gives you confidence to advocate for yourself, for your students, and stay moving long-term.

This course - and working with Asia - is life-changing.

Kimmi Luu, certified teacher

Your training contributed to massive changes in my life. You bridged this gap between my regular life to something beyond that.

[Aaron Friesen] Bronwyn Sperling, certified teacher

You’ve completely changed the way I view so much in my life.

Asia, thank you! More and more every day I am grateful for the amazing teacher training you provided me.